Editing SSIS Script Task / Component takes 15 seconds. open

Since upgrading to SQL Server 2012, we have found that the editor for Script Task / Component takes about 15 seconds to open. Having looked around the Internet, I found some similar cases. But they seem to be related to SQL Server 2008 and the "hacks" no longer have any effect in 2012.

Are you aware of this problem and do you have a solution?

Here are some links describing old issues:

How to stop SSIS from "Phoning Home"

SSIS Script Editor loads very slowly

Also found this question for MS: https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/789728/ssis-script-task-component-very-slow-to-open


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1 answer

This is more of a comment than an answer, but I don't have enough comments to leave a comment.

I found this to be a problem in vs2013 too. The only good work I have found for it is to set the validation to exit correctly. This will prevent any possible external source connections from being checked before runtime.



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