Print counter and value of selected options inside textbox using jquery

I wanted to make a script to parse the number of selected options from a dropdown. I tried my code for jsfiddle but it doesn't work, even if I don't get the error.did syntax, did I do something wrong?

                var count=$("#jform_params_foreignmanuf:selected").length;
              }); .

Also if I wanted to create a text area and print the dropdown value?

   var $val= $("#jform_params_foreignmanuf:selected").val;
}); I think for the first option in my example

<option selected="selected" value="127">1</option>


would come out "127" instead of "1" which I want to print correctly?


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3 answers

A couple of things:

1) You need to escape the special character present in the id tag.

2) You need to find the parameter by the selected attribute and not select the selected element

 $("#\\#jform_params_foreignmanuf :selected").length


Demo for the selected number of options

and to get the value of the selected items in the textbox as a semicolon string:

 var count=$("#\\#jform_params_foreignmanuf").val().join(",");


Demo for selected value

Update: to get the first selected option text:

 var firstselectedtext=$("#\\#jform_params_foreignmanuf :Selected:first").text();


Demo for the first selected option text

to get all selected text options:

var selectedtext=$.map( $('#\\#jform_params_foreignmanuf :Selected'), function (element) { 
    return $(element).text() 


Demo to get all selected parameters



  • If I wanted to create a text area and print the dropdown value ?

Then you can do this:

$(document).ready(function () {
    var $val = $('select[id="#jform_params_foreignmanuf"] :selected').text();


Because your select element contains a special character #

, so you can avoid it with \\

or you can make an attribute selector like above.

  1. will come out "127" instead of "1" which I want to print correctly?

To do this, you just need to use .text()

instead .val()


Checkout a demo .



You can try this:

$("#jform_params_foreignmanuf").on('click', function(){
    var count = $("#jform_params_foreignmanuf option:selected").length; //count selected options

    var val= [];
    $("#jform_params_foreignmanuf option:selected").each(function(){
        val.push($(this).text()); //save each selected text in array
    $("#jform_params_manuvalue").text(val.join(',')); //write selected text to textarea (comma-seperated)





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