Error: could not find:

I have read various forum posts but none of them worked for me. I tend to believe that something has changed recently with the Android SDK, so I asked the question again in hopes of getting the last answer.

In my SDK manager, I have installed:

  • Android SDK Tools Rev. 24
  • Android Platforms SDK Rev. 21
  • Android SDK Designers Rev. 21.1.1
  • Everything for Android 5.0 (API 21)

In my SDK install directory, I can see the file: sdk \ sources \ android-21 \ android \ support \ v7 \ widget \

My AndroidStudio project SDK location is the same as the previous SDK.

I want to use class.

However, I am unable to build my application. I just created a new app in AndroidStudio

I tried to add a dependency: compile '' to build.gradle file and I get the following error:

Error:Failed to find:


What's going on here?

I've already tried clearing the whole folder on C: \ users \ .android and restarting SDK Manager.

Aside from this problem, I don't see Android L Dev Preview listed in the package list in SDK Manager, but instead I look at Android 5.0. I suppose everything is all right?


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1 answer

Did you forget to install the Android Support Repository ?

This is referred to as a note in the installation guide for the support library

Regarding your question on Android L Dev Preview: you don't see it because the final version is already available (which you installed).



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