Sql not showing correct result

I have the following tables in mySql.


Field       Type         
----------  ------------ 
id          int(11)
name        varchar(255)
user_id     int(11)
share       int(14)



Field        Type        
-----------  ------------
id           int(11)
blog_id      int(11)
ip           varchar(255)
impressions  int(11)
date         date



Field        Type        
-----------  ------------
id           int(11)
user_id      int(11)
description  text
share        int(14)



Field        Type        
-----------  ------------
id           int(11)
user_id      int(11)
ip           varchar(255)
impressions  int(11)
date         date



Field        Type        
-----------  ------------
id           int(11)
email        varchar(255)


I need a query that gives me the total blog shares for each user from the table blog

, the total profile shares of each user from the table user_profile

, the total blog views from yesterday i.e. from the table user_blog_analytics

, all time views per profile from the table user_profile_analytics


I created a query, but it didn't give me the expected results, it only gives me small results.

SELECT a.user_id, COUNT(DISTINCT b.ip) AS blog_view_count, a.share AS blog_share_count, c.share AS profile_share_count, COUNT(DISTINCT d.ip) AS user_profile_view
FROM blog AS a
JOIN user_blog_analytics AS b ON b.blog_id=a.id
JOIN user_profile AS c ON c.user_id=a.user_id
JOIN user_profile_analytics AS d ON d.user_id=c.user_id
JOIN users AS e ON e.id=a.user_id
WHERE DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 DAY) = b.date AND e.role_id=2
GROUP BY a.id;


When I ran this query it only gave me one result, but when I manually checked the tables it should give me at least 2 results. Tell me where I am going wrong and how can I get the result by changing this query.


source to share

2 answers

Try the following:

SELECT u.id, u.email, b.blog_share_count, b.blog_view_count, 
       up.profile_share_count, upa.user_profile_view
FROM users u 
LEFT JOIN (SELECT b.user_id, SUM(b.share) AS blog_share_count, COUNT(DISTINCT b.ip) AS blog_view_count
           FROM blog b 
           LEFT JOIN user_blog_analytics AS uba ON uba.blog_id = b.id AND DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 DAY) = uba.date
           GROUP BY b.user_id
         ) b ON u.id = b.user_id
LEFT JOIN (SELECT up.user_id, SUM(up.share) AS profile_share_count 
           FROM user_profile up 
           GROUP BY up.user_id
         ) up ON u.id = up.user_id
LEFT JOIN (SELECT up.user_id, COUNT(DISTINCT up.ip) AS user_profile_view 
           FROM user_profile_analytics up 
           GROUP BY up.user_id
         ) upa ON u.id = upa.user_id




Not an answer, but something to think about ...


CREATE TABLE my_table(i14 INT(14),i4 INT(4));

INSERT INTO my_table VALUES (123456789012345,123456789012345);

SELECT * FROM my_table;
| i14        | i4         |
| 2147483647 | 2147483647 |


So the numbers in parentheses don't do anything for ya!



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