Combine two sips into one

I have the following gulp task:

gulp.task('app-scripts', function() {
     return getEnvScriptsStream()
        .pipe(gulpif(stgOrProd(), uglify()))
        .pipe(gulpif(stgOrProd(), concat('embed')))


How can I combine the two gulpif()

into one?


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2 answers

The recommended way to do it: lazypipe according to gulp-if

the documentation itself

Lazypipe creates a function that initializes the pipe chain when used. This allows you to chain events inside a gulp-if condition.

In this example:

gulp.task('app-scripts', function() {
  return getEnvScriptsStream()
    .pipe(gulpif(stgOrProd(), lazypipe().pipe(uglify).pipe(concat, 'embed')()))




I think gulp plugins are object streams, so you can get away with

gulp.task('app-scripts', function() {
     return getEnvScriptsStream()
        .pipe(gulpif(stgOrProd(), uglify().pipe(concat('embed'))))




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