Does VBA manage the reference (shape) of global variables?

Ok, I was from Access programming for multiple versions, but I can swear I was able to specify controls in global form variables. Sample code as follows:

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Dim Testvar As String

Private Sub Form_Load()
Testvar = "Load"
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Testvar = "open"
End Sub

Private Sub Text0_Click()
Testvar = "settest"
End Sub


I should be able to put a textbox in a control that can see the TestVar variable, but the controls don't. Also, I used to do this with the form's record source.

So the questions - I'm crazy - was that impossible? Or have I forgotten how to access the form?

And then the most important question is what is the best way to get around this?
The most common way to use this method is to pass OpenArgs (in this case, write the keys), which is then handled by global vars, and then multiple controls display the public arguments and / or display values ​​to be displayed using the keys.

I am very sorry to have to create routines that restore and load record sources for controls. Hope someone knows a better approach


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4 answers

In addition to the existing event procedures, you can add a function to the form module that retrieves the value of the Testvar module variable.

Function GetTestvar() As String
    GetTestvar = Testvar
End Function


Then use =GetTestvar()

as control source for Text0.



You have to actually set the value of the textbox. There is no way (as far as I know) to bind a textbox to a variable.

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Private Sub Form_Load()
    Text0.Value = "Load"
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
    Text0.Value = "open"
End Sub

Private Sub Text0_Click()
    Text0.Value = "settest"
End Sub


Of course, you can store the value in a variable and use it to set the value instead, but in this simple example that doesn't make sense.



TempVars is a function introduced in Access 2007. So, if your version is Access> = 2007, you can use TempVar to hold the string value. Then you can use TempVar as control source for your textbox.

With the =[TempVars]![Testvar]

control source for Text0, the following event routines do what you requested.

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
    TempVars.Add "Testvar", "Open"
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
    TempVars("Testvar") = "Load"
End Sub

Private Sub Text0_Click()
    TempVars("Testvar") = "settest"
End Sub


Note: [TempVars]![Testvar]

will be available throughout the application throughout the entire session. If this is the problem in your situation, you can remove the TempVar in the Close form:TempVars.Remove "Testvar"



Wanted: show app user login id for all forms in app.

This is how I did it:

Create a module: module_init_globals
with the following code:

Option Compare Database

'Define global variables

Global GBL_LogonID as string

Option Explicit

Public Sub init_globals ()

   'Initialize the global variables

   'Get_Logon_Name is a function defined in another VBA module that determines the logon ID         of the user

    GBL_LogonID = Get_Logon_Name()

 End Sub

On the main/first form - we need to call the module that will initialize the global variables:

In the code for "on open" event I have:

Private Sub Form_Open (Cancel as Integer)
   call init_globals
End Sub

then on each of the forms in the app, I have a text control - txtUserID to display the  logon id of the user

and I can set it value in the "on open" event of the form.

txtUserID.value = GBL_LogonID




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