How to block odt file on GIT?

We need to check out the odt files (binaries) from LibreOffice to GitHub (project documentation).

Locking seems impossible or very hacky, which is the best option or alternative solutions?


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1 answer

Write a pre-receive hook that checks for incoming presses, here is a basic full control loop:

while read old new ref; do              # for each pushed ref
        git rev-list $old..$new \
        | while read; do                # check for bad commits

                # test here, e.g. 
                test "`git rev-parse $REPLY:$path`" \
                   = "`git rev-parse v1.0:$path`" \
                || {
                        echo "** altered $path in $ref@$REPLY **"
                        exit 1
                # end of this test



Now no one can push the modified version to your repo.



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