Regex remove "-" from middle of timestamp line in postgresql

I have a table with a column hour

that is not in the correct format timestamp




I want to replace -

in the ' '

middle, so it looks like this:

 2014-12-06 01:44:35
 2014-12-06 01:44:35
 2014-12-06 01:44:35
 2014-12-06 01:44:35
 2014-12-06 01:44:35
 2014-12-06 01:44:35


I've tried this:

select regexp_replace(hour, '\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}(-)\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}', ' ')
from my_table;


Unfortunately, it doesn't matter.
I am using Redshift, not PostgreSQL.


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3 answers

There are several things to think about when creating Regex expressions in postgresql. First, you need to avoid backslashes. So instead \

you need \\

. Second, you can refer to capturing groups by using \ n to capture the nth group in parentheses. You can use a capturing group in your override value to refer to parts of the original string.

Putting it all together, this is what you need:

regexp_replace('hour', '(\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2})-(\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2})', '\\1 \\2') 




Limited options in Redshift

regexp_replace(hour, '(^\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2})-(\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}$)', '\\1 \\2') AS a
regexp_replace(hour, '(^\\d{4}-\\d\\d-\\d\\d)-(\\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d)$', '\\1 \\2') AS b
regexp_replace(hour, '(^[\\d-]{10})-([\\d:]+)$', '\\1 \\2')                        AS c
left(hour,10) || ' ' ||  substring(hour FROM 12)                           AS e


Advanced options in modern Postgres (9.1+)

regexp_replace(hour, '(^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})-(\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$)', '\1 \2') AS a
regexp_replace(hour, '(^\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d)-(\d\d:\d\d:\d\d)$', '\1 \2')      AS b
regexp_replace(hour, '(^[\d-]{10})-([\d:]+)$', '\1 \2')                    AS c
reverse(regexp_replace(reverse(hour), '-', ' '))                           AS d
left(hour,10) || ' ' ||  right(hour, -11)                                  AS e
overlay(hour placing ' ' from 11)                                          AS f
to_timestamp(hour, 'YYYY-MM-DD-HH24:MI:SS')                                AS ts


SQL Fiddle.

From "restrictive" to "cheap" in order of appearance. ts

is special.


This is like the currently accepted answer from @Zeki , completed with anchors at the beginning and end with ^

and $

to make it even less ambiguous and potentially faster.

You want special meaning \d

as a class abbreviation for numbers.
In Postgres, don't escape backslashes \

with \\

. This would be incorrect if you are not working with an outdated legacy setting standard_conforming_strings = off

. Redshift is stuck in an old development stage and does just that. Backslashes are interpreted unless escaped with another backslash.



shorter and cheaper than \d{2}



Simplify character classes: numbers + hyphen: [\d-]

and numbers + a colon: [\d:]



Since regexp_replace()

without the 4th parameter 'g'

only replaces the first match, you can reverse()

string, replace the first hyphen and reverse()

Doesn't work in Redshift because it uses a simpler versionregexp_replace()

that always replaces all occurrences.


If the format is fixed as shown, just take the first 10 characters, a space and the rest of the line.
Redshift uses simpler versions left()


that don't take negative parameters, so I replaced substring()



Or, even easier, just overlay () the 11th character with a space.
Not implemented in Redshift.


Unlike the rest, it returns the correct type, not . You can also assign the result . More details. ... By far the best option if you want to convert your string. Not implemented in Redshift. to_timestamp()

timestamp with time zone


timestamp without time zone





Try it. Replace $1 $2

. View a demo.



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