Angular proxy ui-select not working

We have used ui-select ( ) in topic dropdowns like select2. This functionality mostly worked apart from one aspect: default placeholders.

Mostly the code follows the ui-select demo (third example on this page: ).

As far as I know, the default text should match the text of the "placeholder" attribute. Instead, it appears blank until you select an option. We used a hack whereby we set the ui-select-match value in the Angular controller to counteract this problem, but this is far from ideal and clearly not how it should be used.

<ui-select data-ng-model="producttype.selected" theme="select2" name="product-type">
    <ui-select-match placeholder="Select a product type">
    <ui-select-choices repeat="producttype in productTypeOptions | filter: $">
        <span ng-bind-html="producttype.title | highlight: $"></span>


Has anyone else discussed this issue or had an idea of ​​what we are doing wrong?


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6 answers

If you turn off search, this will hide the placeholder as well, even if there is no choice.

Spanplace element:

<span ng-show="$select.searchEnabled && $select.isEmpty()" class="select2-chosen ng-binding ng-hide">My Placeholder</span>


Just removed the "$ select.searchEnabled & &" in the template .js file and the placeholder appears again.

As seen on hthabet on github



I ran into this problem when I had something else in the controller related to the ng model for example producttype.selected

. Another binding would initialize the model and make the ui-select directive behave as if the selection had already been made.

If your problem is the callback on-select

is useful for binding the ui-select to another object and then using the concatenation of the data you want to return to the original object.



You will also run into this problem if the model you are binding to is part of an object and has a key / value pair where the key exists but the value is null.

<ui-select ng-model="vm.selectedItem.ID">....


And here is the object reference:

vm.selectedItem = {
  ID: null,
  description: null


This will also select an empty selection, which will prevent the placeholder from being displayed. I am currently working on a solution.



Check out the bootstrap "text-muted" class assigned to the placeholder. It has a property that sets the font color to "white". So try commenting out this property. This worked for me.



Ui select doesn't work when search object is closed or anchor element is empty. The fastest way to do this is by adding css display: block placeholder item.

   display: block !important;


Or you can edit ui-select.js.



Instead of editing the source code, you can do two things to fix this.

  • Enable enableSearch as shown below.

    $scope.enableSearch = function () { $scope.searchEnabled = true; };

  • Or check what @TDing mentioned or @Steve Ellis has answered this post.



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