Compiling MatConvNet on Windows

I am trying to compile MatConvNet on Windows 8.1. Since I think I need to use a "Makefile" to do this, I downloaded GNUWin Make , which allows the make command on Windows. The error I am getting is the following:

process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2014a\bin\mexext, ...) failed.


while the file C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2014a\bin\mexext.bat


Do you have any hints?


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3 answers

I also tried to compile MatConvNet on Windows using MinGW and I faced the same error. You can try to compile MatConvNet using Visual Studio instead. Explained here:

With the translation from the Chrome browser it is clear :) Thanks to this tutorial, I have successfully generated 4 mexw64 files needed by MatConvNet.



in the new beta 8, we added a new feature vl_compilenn

that supports compilation on Windows ... (no need for Make, plus we fixed msvc compiler issues). So far it works for GPU code too ...

You can find the detail here . Hope it helps :)



You need to compile it with Visual Studio, not the GNU compiler on Windows. First set up Matlab mex -setup C ++ for Visual Studio 2013/2015 and then compile using vl_compilenn function. If you want to compile it for the GPU, you also need to install CUDA and cudnn. Then you can use vl_compilenn ('enableGpu', true) to compile it for GPU-enabled Windows.



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