WPF blocking attempt asynchronously

I am learning about async / await keywords. I can't see what I am doing here syntactically here?

I have the following two methods:

private async Task<string> PopupAsync()
  String result;
  using (StreamReader reader = File.OpenText(@"C:\temp\JBM_SchedulingModule.xap"))
    Console.WriteLine("Opened file.");
    txtData.Text = "Opened file.";
    result = await reader.ReadToEndAsync();

  return result;



private async void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
  txtData.Text = await PopupAsync();


The main UI thread freezes when I click the button and I don't want that. Trying to understand why and how to fix it.



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1 answer

Stephen is right. I understood. He works as he was supposed to. The reason it was blocking was not because of ReadToEndAsync (), but the time it took to fill + load the 4MB line (from file) into the WPF control.



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