C3 / D3 horizontal scrolling

I am working on creating a c3 chart where each bar represents the number of people who have joined the program that week. The data is just an array of objects with [{week, # of people}, {week, # of people}, etc.]

Ideally, I want the last 6 weeks to be shown on the chart, but I want to be able to scroll horizontally to see the past weeks.

I saw one answer to this ( DTCjs scrolling histogram ), but in this case the axis did not stay visible when scrolling - which is what I would like to do.

Any help would be much appreciated.


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1 answer

c3.js allows you to create a "Sub Chart", which is essentially the same as a stock chart like the ones you see in Google Finance.

I suspect you would be better off letting Sub Chart be your scrolling engine than trying to implement a css scrollbar.

One of the nice things about subframe c3 is how it allows you to set a "default size" for a subcategory. What you could do is use the default degree for a limited number of weeks, and from there the user can manipulate the subclass slider / brush as they see fit. Here's a simple implementation / dummy example:

enter image description here


... Set default size for subtitle and scaling.

c3 Subcategory

working example at jsfiddle


<div class="container">
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-md-12">
            <p>My Chart Title</p>
                <div id="my-chart"></div>


JavaScript for c3 chart

var chart = c3.generate({
    bindto: '#my-chart',
    data: {
        columns: [
            ['people', 30, 200, 100, 400, 150, 250, 40, 50, 70, 80, 90, 100, 17, 47, 51, 141]
        type: 'bar'
    subchart: {
        show: true
    axis: {
        x: {
            extent: [13, 16]
    tooltip: {
        format: {
            title: function (d) {
                return 'Week ' + d;




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