Signals for entered / exited events in TabView

I have TabView

, which is 3 Tab

s, for Say tab1

, tab2

, tab3

. Each one Tab

has some widgets. I want to have some sort of signaling mechanism, so when I go into tab3

I want to set the state of some widgets (like << 27>) within tab3

, and when I leave it I want to reset their state.

Any pointers on how to achieve this? When I read the Qt 5.3 documentation about TabView

and Tab

, I didn't find any signals that were detected by them.

The alarm can be within tab3

or between TabView

and tab3

. I'm fine with any of them.


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2 answers

Use onVisibleChanged

Try this:

TabView {

    Tab {
        onVisibleChanged: console.log("hello1 "+visible)
        title: "Red"
        Rectangle { color: "red" }
    Tab {
        onVisibleChanged: console.log("hello2 "+visible)
        title: "Blue"
        Rectangle { color: "blue" }
    Tab {
        onVisibleChanged: console.log("hello3 "+visible)
        title: "Green"
        Rectangle { color: "green" }




Changing tabs on the Vacation tab (from false

to true

) and the input tab (from true

to false

) changes the visibility of the TWO tabs. These events are not always serialized. I had to add:

onVisibleChanged: {
    if (!this.activeFocus){
        // ...


But if you don't actually click on the tab, but activate it by setting the tab active

to true

, the above solution is not enough. You should use TabView.currentIndex

to compare it to static, i.e. a declarative tab index. If called for a new active tab onVisibleChanged

, then the indices must be equal.

Here's an example:

function refreshButtons(tabIndexStatic){
    if (tabStepsView.currentIndex !== tabIndexStatic)
    buttonPrev.visible      = tabIndexStatic !== 0
    buttonNext.visible      = tabIndexStatic !== tabStepsView.count - 1
    buttonConvert.visible   = tabIndexStatic === tabStepsView.count - 1
    Tab {
        title: qsTr("Tab 0")
        onVisibleChanged: parent.refreshButtons(0)

        // ...
    Tab {
        title: qsTr("Tab 1")
        onVisibleChanged: parent.refreshButtons(1);
        // ...
    Tab {
        title: "Tab 2"
        onVisibleChanged: tabStepsView.refreshButtons(2)
        // ...




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