Aerospike: get a set of keys from LDT Bin in one call

Let's assume I have the following values ​​in my LDT bucket (LargeMap):

key1, value1   
key2, value2   
key3, value3   
key4, value4   
. .   
key50, value50


Now I am getting my data using the following snippet:

Map<?, ?> myFinalRecord = new HashMap<?, ?>();
// First call to client to get the largeMap associated with the bin
LargeMap largeMap = myDemoClient.getLargeMap(myPolicy, myKey, myLDTBinName, null);

for (String myLDTKey : myRequiredKeysFromLDTBin) {
    try {
        // Here each get call results in one call to aerospike
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.warn("Key does not exist in LDT Bin");


The problem is here if it myRequiredKeysFromLDTBin

contains 20 keys. Then he largeMap.get(Value.get(myLDTKey))

will make 20 aerospace calls.

So if I take 1ms lookup time per transaction , here my one call to retrieve 20 IDs from a record would result in 20 aerospace calls. This will increase the response time by approx. 20 ms !

So, is there a way that I can just pass a set of IDs to be fetched from the LDT tray and it only requires one call?


source to share

1 answer

There is no direct API for multi-get. One way to do this would be the API to call lmap directly from the server via UDF.

Example 'mymap.lua'

local lmap = require('ldt/lib_lmap');
function getmany(rec, binname, keys)
    local resultmap = map()
    local keycount  = #keys
    for i = 1,keycount,1 do
        local rc = lmap.exists(rec, binname, keys[i])
        if (rc == 1) then
            resultmap[keys[i]] = lmap.get(rec, binname, keys[i]);
            resultmap[keys[i]] = nil;
    return resultmap;


Register this lua file

aql> register module 'mymap.lua'
OK, 1 module added.

aql> execute lmap.put('bin', 'c', 'd') on test.demo where PK='1'
| put |
| 0   |
1 row in set (0.000 secs)

aql> execute lmap.put('bin', 'b', 'c') on test.demo where PK='1'
| put |
| 0   |
1 row in set (0.001 secs)

aql> execute mymap.getmany('bin', 'JSON["b","a"]') on test.demo where PK='1'
| getmany                  |
| {"a":NIL, "b":{"b":"c"}} |
1 row in set (0.000 secs)

aql> execute mymap.getmany('bin', 'JSON["b","c"]') on test.demo where PK='1'
| getmany                        |
| {"b":{"b":"c"}, "c":{"c":"d"}} |
1 row in set (0.000 secs)


Java code to call this would be

 try {
     resultmap = myClient.execute(myPolicy, myKey, 'mymap', 'getmany', Value.get(myLDTBinName), Value.getAsList(myRequiredKeysFromLDTBin)
 } catch (Exception e) {
    log.warn("One of the key does not exist in LDT bin");


The value will be set if the key exists, and it will return NIL if not.



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