How can I improve the performance of my Boot2Docker vm

I was running our SoA on docker on my mac.

It has seven containers:

  • three rail attachments
  • rabbit
  • Postgres
  • elasticsearch
  • data volume for rubigem

It is so slow compared to my mac. (gulp for example takes 1 hour to read all the files in manifies on docker, but only 10 seconds on Mac).

I have increased the memory to 8GB for the virtual machine, but it only uses about 2GB, so this is not a problem.

Does anyone have any ideas (I know this is vague). Perhaps there are some VM settings I can do. I have a suspicion that this has to do with the io file, but I am not knowledgeable enough to know how to check if the VM needs to be configured enough to resolve it.

Note. Rail apps are volume mounted from mac host. And similarly to postgres, bunny and elastic store store data there on a volume mounted from mac as well.


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1 answer

The performance of mounted host folders is not very good with boot2docker on mac. This could be an issue with disk intensive processes. The workaround I am using is to use vagrant docker , display host files, and do docker tasks with vagrant. A bit cumbersome, but not too bad, and performance is better.



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