How can I reduce the lines with the correct toggle case

I am working on a blackjack game project. I have a method helper()

that guides the user through their actions. For example:

dealer's card up: the 8

total amount of the player's hands:16

The player is not sure if he should hit or stay. This is where the function works helper()


It mainly counts the number of good cards on the deck ( playerTotal

+ goodcard

<= 21)

So, I'm going to do it this way (pseudocode)

public void helper() {

    remain = 21 - playerTotal;

    if (remain == 1) {
        for (int i = 0; i < deck.last(); i++) {
            switch (deck[i]) {
                case A: numOfGood += 1
                default: numOfBad +=1
    else if (remain == 2) {
        for (....) {
            switch (deck[i]) {
                case A: numOfGood += 1
                case 2: numOfGood += 1
                default: numOfBad +=1

//goes like this



I need to build a commutator and loop for all cards (A, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, J, K, Q, K), but this looks like a huge mess. How can I reduce the number of lines by doing something different?


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3 answers

First, write a method GetValue

that can compute the (minimum) numeric value for the map. You can implement it with switch

or however you want:

public static int GetValue(char card)


Once you have it, your method implementation becomes much shorter and simpler:

foreach(var card in deck)
    if(GetValue(card) <= remain)


Also note that you can simply count the number of good or bad cards and use the total remaining cards to calculate another if needed.

var oddsOfSuccessfulHit = deck.Count(card => GetValue(card) <= remain) / 
    (double) deck.Count;




You can use HashSet

maybe a little more efficient use switch

, but if you want to keep strings ...

var goodCards = new HashSet<char>(new[] { 'A', '2' });


then something like

var numOfGood = deck.Count(card => goodCards.Contains(card));
var numOfBad = deck.Count - numOfGood;




Alternatively, since the logic of the map values โ€‹โ€‹cannot change, there is no need to encode it - just save it as data.

struct CardEffect
    public string CardGlyph;
    public int MinValue;
    public int MaxValue;

... load from XML file or some other location and load into ...
public Dictionary<string, CardEffect> cardValues;


Then use the logic suggested by Servy.



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