Parallel DAG processing

I am trying to figure out how I can handle a directed acyclic graph in parallel. Each node should be able to "execute" when all of its input nodes have been processed in advance. Imagine a class Task

with the following interface:

class Task(object):
    result = None
    def inputs(self):
        ''' List all requirements of the task. '''
        return ()
    def run(self):


I cannot think of a way to handle the graph that can be represented on this structure asynchronously with the maximum number of workers at the same time, except for one method.

I think optimal processing will be achieved by creating a thread for each task, waiting for all inputs to be processed. But , spawning a thread for each task immediately, and not sequentially (i.e. when the task is ready for processing) is not a good idea for me.

import threading
class Runner(threading.Thread):
    def __init__(self, task):
        super(Runner, self).__init__()
        self.task = task
    def run(self):
        threads = [Runner(r) for r in self.task.inputs()]
        [t.join() for t in threads]


Is there a better way to mimic this behavior? In addition, this approach does not currently implement a way to limit the number of tasks performed at a time.


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2 answers

Ask one main thread to route items to the queue as soon as they are ready for the process. Then try a pool of workers in the queue for tasks. (Python provides a synchronized queue in Queue

, renamed to lowercase Queue

in Python 3).

The wizard first creates a map from dependencies for dependent tasks. Each task that does not have any dependencies can be queued. Each time a task completes, the wizard uses the dictionary to figure out what dependent tasks are and enqueues them if all their dependencies are now complete.



Celery ( ) is the leading task management tool for Python. He should be able to help you with this.



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