Non-standard font behavior in Internet Explorer: after and: after :: hover pseudo classes

I found an internet explorer bug today that left me confused. Apparently Internet Explorer doubles (?) Font size: after class if font size is set for both: after and: hover :: after.

I installed a quick demo and came up with a workaround which I don't like as it won't work if you want to display content in both: after and: hover :: after states. Does anyone know what might be causing this behavior and how to fix it?

:hover{} /* Fixes pseudo-element animation on :hover
            for Internet Explorer 10 */

.workaround::after {
    content: "";

.workaround:hover::after {
    content:", internet explorer";

.iebug::after {
    content: "";

.iebug:hover::after {
    content:", internet explorer";



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1 answer

Testing your JS.Fiddle I was getting the same issue in IE. I found that if I changed font-size

from em

to px

the hover content displayed as expected. You can see the update script here .

I did a little research and found this quote on the CSS-Tricks website and I believe the same concept is happening in your case.

There are a few more unpleasant things with ems, for example, with a cascade. If you decide that the list items should be font size: 1.1em followed by nested lists, it will cascade and increase the font size for child lists. You probably didn't want that. You can fix this with li li {font-size: 1em; }, but this is what your pumpkin can grind. This is where it might come, but it's tricky too. as browser support is less (IE 9+).

All that can be said is you can change the font size to use something other than em

, and you should be good.

You can read a similar question posted here on SO .



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