How to unload a function from another namespace?

I am loading a function say-hi

from the learning.greeting namespace

(use 'learning.greeting)


When I try to override the say-hi function under the current (custom) namespace, I got the error:

CompilerException java.lang.IllegalStateException: say-hi already refers to: #'learning.greeting/say-hi in namespace: user, compiling:(NO_SOURCE_PATH:1:1) 


So how do you unload a function from other namespaces?


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3 answers

If you want to get rid of direct mapping to Var from another namespace in the REPL, say

(ns-unmap 'current-namespace 'local-alias)



user=> (ns-unmap *ns* 'reduce)
user=> (reduce + 0 [1 2 3])
CompilerException java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve symbol: reduce in this context, compiling:(NO_SOURCE_PATH:2:1)


The local alias will be different from the actual Var name if used :rename


(use '[clojure.walk
       :only [keywordize-keys]
       :rename {keywordize-keys keywordize}])


To remove all mappings pointing to Vars in clojure.walk


(doseq [[sym v] (ns-map *ns*)]
  (if (and (var? v)
           (= (.. v -ns -name) 'clojure.walk))
    (ns-unmap *ns* sym)))




Are you sure you want to remove say-hi

from learning.greeting

? If not, it is best used require

in this situation. Instead, (use 'learning.greeting)


(require `[learning.greeting :as lg])


Then you can reference the original definition as lg/say-hi

and you can define the new version in the current namespace eg. and

 (def say-hi [x] (lg/say-hi (list x x))


(I don't know if it makes sense for a function say-hi

, but the general point doesn't change independently.)



both use

and require

have an: exclude parameter for this situation:

(use '[learning.greeting :exclude [say-hi]])


or more preferably:

(require '[learning.greeting :refer :all :exclude [say-hi]])


or when you are working in a regular namespace everything is preferable in the form ns


(ns my-namespace
   (:require [learning.greeting :refer [ function1 function2] :as greeting]




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