"Gets up _JAVA_OPTIONS" if no such environment variable exists

This issue is specific to Minecraft, but it affects all Java programs that run on my computer.

It would seem like something is forcing the _JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable. When I start my server I have indicated to allocate 4GB of RAM to it with

-Xms4G -Xmx4G


in the startup batch file. However, when the server starts up, it prints "Pick-up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Xms2048M -Xmx2048M" to the console, only allocating 2GB. I checked my system settings and there is no _JAVA_OPTIONS variable listed. I don't want to add it as it will also try to allocate 4GB to Minecraft itself, which is unnecessary and uses too much RAM.

What could be causing this variable to be set? (Windows 8.1 64-bit, Java 7)


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2 answers

You probably have a Razer device. Their divine software secretly adds _JAVA_OPTIONS, but only when starting games, so you won't even see it from CMD. Perfectly uninstall the software and maybe spill holy water onto your computer. Otherwise, you can probably get around by turning off Synapse and reloading minecraft.exe

Found (eventually) here: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/support/unmodified-minecraft-client/2183431-_java_options-picked-up-without-existing#reply



This error occurs when you run Android app after compiling java program. Eclipse uses a java compiler to run Android apps. So run your android app as android app. Just right click on the project and click "Run as-> Android App" instead of running the configs.



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