Create function in jquery

After reading this question , I found the answers outdated / deprecated and hence am asking if anyone has "updated" answers to:

Does jQuery have a function call like

$('#myNewDivId').on('create', function(){



for one div or multiple 'addends':

$('.myNewDivWithClass').on('create', function(){



for a dynamically created div?

  • I would rather not include plugins (legacy for example) like the .livequery () plugin)
  • "DOMSubtreeModified" seems to be depreciating, and is there an alternative?
  • I need this feature for compatibility with (at least) IE 10 + 11.

What I want to do is create this "new element" to have an ajax call back to my controller to "replace" this div with a partial view? However, without using the jquery method, this seems more complicated than expected.


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1 answer

There is no magic browser solution that works for all old browsers, although there are a few workarounds using browser-specific functionality, but if you are in control of the creation of new elements, just send a custom event on that new element (or its container) after adding it ...


var newDiv = $('<div>', {id: myNewDivId});
newDiv.trigger('myname.loaded');      // trigger event on new element


and in the main JS listen for the event:

$(document).on('myname.loaded', function(e){
    // is the element added
    $('color', 'red');



The following shows you add this additional functionality to a function, but it is assumed that you will always use append

to add items. You can use jQuery extension method instead:

eg. add method modified

to jQuery

jQuery.fn.modified = function () {
    return this;


and call the parent container (instead of the element):




Note. Targeting the container (rather than the added element (s)) seems to be more useful and follows the pattern we used to update the Ajax panels.



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