Yii2 batchInsert eat all server memory

If I insert millions of rows from 100 batch inserts than each iteration of memory_usage gets larger and then php memory error occurs. It is related to the Yii insert command because if I comment out the insert operation, then the memory_usage is stable.

for ($i = 0; $i < $iterations; $i ++) {
        ->batchInsert(static::tableName(), $columns, $rows)
    echo memory_get_usage();


I tried to disable debug mode and it didn't help.


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1 answer

I think the problem is with the Yii2 logger. Just try using something like this:

general / components / EmptyLogger.php:

namespace common\components;

use yii\log\Logger;

class EmptyLogger extends Logger
    public function log($message, $level, $category = 'application')
        return false;


and then in your action your controller include the following code at the beginning:

Yii::setLogger(new EmptyLogger());


add it to your apps of course:

use common\components\EmptyLogger;


after all you will get something like this:

Prefixes \ Controllers \ TempController.php:


namespace console\controllers;

use common\components\EmptyLogger;
use Yii;
use yii\console\Controller;

class TempController extends Controller
    public function actionIndex()
        Yii::setLogger(new EmptyLogger());

            ->batchInsert(static::tableName(), $columns, $rows)



Hope this helps. But this is actually not the best solution. Just a hack.



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