Jersey / JAX-RS ExceptionMappers and Inheritance

I am using Jersey / JAX-RS to implement a RESTful web service. I have a question about an ExceptionMapper

that is not documented anywhere.

Let's say I have the following custom (extend RuntimeException

) exceptions:

  • FizzException extends RuntimeException

  • BuzzException extends FizzException

Now let's say that I want my exception handlers to do the following Exception

-to- mappings Response


  • FizzException

    actually maps to HTTP 404 NOT FOUND
  • BuzzException

    maps to HTTP 403 UNAUTHORIZED
  • Anything else displays an HTTP 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR error

So, if I understood the API correctly, I need to implement 3 different Exception Mapping Agents:

public class DefaultExceptionMapper implements ExceptionMapper<Exception> {
    Response toResponse(Exception exc) {
        // Map to HTTP 500

public class FizzExceptionMapper implements ExceptionMapper<FizzException> {
    Response toResponse(Exception exc) {
        // Map to HTTP 404

public class BuzzExceptionMapper implements ExceptionMapper<BuzzException> {
    Response toResponse(Exception exc) {
        // Map to HTTP 403


However, I am curious: since we have inheritance of the class of exceptions, which are actually being collected? For example:

  • BuzzException

    extends FizzException

    , which ultimately extends Exception

    . So, if you select a BuzzException

    , which will cause the display device: BuzzExceptionMapper

    , FizzExceptionMapper

    or DefaultExceptionMapper

  • Another way: when selected Exception

    , since a BuzzException

    is ultimately Exception

    which mapper: runs BuzzExceptionMapper

    , FizzExceptionMapper

    or DefaultExceptionMapper


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1 answer

The most specific exception display facility will be called .

So in your case:

  • BuzzException

    will be displayed BuzzExceptionMapper

  • FizzException

    will be displayed FizzExceptionMapper

  • Others Exception

    will be displayed withDefaultExceptionMapper



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