How to set up and run diameter client and server for credit risk management using checkbox

So far, I have installed and run freediameter on linux centOS 5.8. CER and CEA messages are exchanged between client and server.

I am looking for a built-in application for managing credit in freediameter client and server. The client should send a CCR and the server should respond with CCA.

I went through the DCCA extended extensions but was unable to figure out how to use these extensions to send and receive CCR and CCA. I've googled a lot but don't get any help.

So, all I want is to set up a freediameter client and server with DCCA.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


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1 answer

Freediameter provides the test_app extension. we can do CCR and CCA using the test_app extension.

compile the freediameter checkbox and test_app.

cmake -DFLEX_EXECUTABLE:FILEPATH=/usr/local/bin/flex 

make; make install


You can find the test_app extension configuration file in. / doc. Modify it as required.

You just need to load the test_app extension with the conf file.

start freeDiameter server and client.

Raise signal 10 to the client application to send CCR. (kill -s 10 PID)

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