Sharing resources with multiple gradle android modules

I have doubts about gradle in Android Studio in a multi-module project.

I need to access the R.class resource in another module. See next example:

   |    |---src (Main App)
   |    |---src (Entities App + Database) - Library aar
   |    |---src (Commum user interface) - Library aar


AndroidManifest.xml app

<manifest xmlns:android="" 


Core AndroidManifest.xml

<manifest xmlns:android="" 


CommumUI AndroidManifest.xml

<manifest xmlns:android="" 


This app building uses gradle and after that it will generate R.class in:


I tried in the App project to get the list of resources in the CommumUI project, but the object will be null.


//This return null
drawerLayoutList = (ListView) findViewById(;

//That again return null
drawerLayoutList = (ListView) findViewById(;



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