Lua 5.1 workaround for __gc metadata for tables

I am currently facing the problem that you cannot use the method __gc

for tables in Lua 5.1 as they are implemented in Lua 5.2. However, I want to release the allocated resources as soon as the lua table is built. Is there a workaround that gives me the metatet functionality __gc

in Lua 5.2 for Lua 5.1?


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1 answer

In lua 5.1, the only lua values ​​that work with a metamethod __gc

are userdata

. Naturally, any hack or workaround has to be enabled in some way userdata

. There is usually no way to just create newuserdata from the lua side, but there is one "hidden" undocumented function for that newproxy



accepts an optional bool or userdata parameter. If you go to true

, then you will get the user data with the new meta tag added. If you pass in a different one userdata

, then the new userdata will be assigned the same meta-metat as the one that was passed.

So now you can just hack a function that will make __gc

tables work:

function setmt__gc(t, mt)
  local prox = newproxy(true)
  getmetatable(prox).__gc = function() mt.__gc(t) end
  t[prox] = true
  return setmetatable(t, mt)


And a quick test to confirm the behavior:

iscollected = false
function gctest(self)
  iscollected = true
  print("cleaning up:", self)

test = setmt__gc({}, {__gc = gctest})
assert(not iscollected)

test = nil


IDEOne Demo

Note that lua 5.2+ and later don't have it anymore newproxy

, as it is __gc

officially supported in tables.



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