Separate output from different streams

All my code is logging through say () to sys.stderr and error forwarding. On a multi-threaded server, I want each thread to be written to a separate log file. Can I accomplish this without rewriting all the code used by threads?

from threading import Thread
from time import sleep

def say(*args):
    print(*args, file=sys.stderr)

def worker(num):
    for _ in range(5):
        say("worker", num, "working")

for num in range(4):
    Thread(target=worker, args=(num,)).start()


The output is mixed, the goal is to redirect it to a differnt log file for each thread:

worker 0 working
worker 1 working
worker 2 working
worker 3 working
worker 0 working
worker 1 working
worker 3 working
worker 2 working
. . .


I understand that if I try to redirect stderr to a file inside a stream, the redirection will be used by all streams:

def worker(num):
    sys.stderr = open('worker{}.log'.format(num), 'w')
    for _ in range(5):
        say("worker", num, "working")


Result as expected:

$ cat worker3.log
worker 1 working
worker 1 working
worker 1 working
worker 3 working
worker 3 working
worker 3 working
worker 3 working
worker 3 working



@Amber, I already have a unique id and you can use it as the thread name:

def say(*args, end='\n'):
    print(currentThread().getName(), *args, file=sys.stderr, end=end)

t_worker = Thread(name=str(num), target=worker, args=(num,))


I can't dynamically fetch a log file for each thread because say () is global - it needs to either put a semaphore in this global log file store or pass a log object for each individual function that logs progress.


source to share

2 answers

You can use thread local storage (via a class threading.local

) to store a separate file object for each thread. Then the function say

could find the correct file:

local = threading.local()

def say(*args):
    if not hasattr(local, "logfile"):
        local.logfile = open("logfile{}".format(threading.get_ident()), "a")

    print(*args, file=local.logfile)


I am using threading.get_ident

to get a promising unique value to generate a log file name. If there is a more logical way to name the files in your program, I would suggest using that instead. You might want to separate the file creation from the function say

. For example, you can make it part of your thread start code:

local = threading.local()

def say(*args):
    print(*args, filename=local.logfile)

def worker1():
    local.logfile = open("logfile_worker1", "a")

    # do stuff here, including calling `say()` as necessary




You can call threading.get_ident()

in your function say()

to decide where to write the string. It's not ideal (since thread ID numbers are allowed to be reused after a thread ends and another is created), but if your threads are running for a long time, it might work for your purposes.



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