Url_for in email sent by rake team in rails 4

I have a rake challenge that sends out daily emails about player activity throughout the day. (See sample code below.) If I run PlayerActivityMailer.activity_report.deliver

in my console everything works fine. However, when I try to call the rake task, I get the following error:

rake aborted!
ActionView::Template::Error: arguments passed to url_for can't be handled.
Please require routes or provide your own implementation


After some research, I found that in Rails 4 they are completely nerfed ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper.url_for

( http://apidock.com/rails/v4.1.8/ActionView/Helpers/UrlHelper/url_for - note the giant red minus sign under 4.0.2). If you look at the source, you see the error I see - it no longer accepts parameters. As far as I can tell, this functionality still exists in other url_for

s, such as ActionDispatch::Routing::UrlFor

. Additionally, the error message suggests enabling Rails.application.routes.url_helpers


What i tried

  • include ActionDispatch::Routing::UrlFor

    both in the task rake (inside the task) and in the mailbox (both simultaneously and each separately)
  • include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers

    in the same locations and configurations including and UrlFor


The error still persists. My guess is that the pageview still insists on using the version ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper


. I don't think I can actually include things in the views (which are sloppy looking and hacky, even if I could).

Sample code (heavily sanitized)

config / environtments / development.rb:

config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { host: 'localhost:3000' }


Lib / tasks / player.rake:

namespace :player do
  task :activity => :environment do


App / senders / player_activity_mailer.rb:

class PlayerActivityMailer < ActionMailer::Base
  def activity_report
    @activities = PlayerActivity.all
    mail(to: 'foo@bar.com', subject: 'activity report')


app / views / player_activity_mailer / activity_report.html.erb:

<% @activites.each do |activity| %>
    Player: <%= link_to activity.player.name, player_url(id: activity.player.id) %>
<% end %>


I also have a Player model, resources :players

in my routes.rb file and a PlayerActivity class with a Player association.

I am currently using a (really terrifying) workaround @base_url = Rails.configuration.action_mailer.default_url_options[:host]

in my post action and "http://#{@base_url}/players/#{activity.player.id}"

in my view instead of the player_url part.



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1 answer

Have you tried to pass only your player in the URL? Like this:

<% @activites.each do |activity| %>
    Player: <%= link_to activity.player.name, player_url(activity.player) %>
<% end %>




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