• An important property for two screen resolutions

    Suppose I have the following code:

                <ul class="submenu">
                    <li class="firstmenu">submenu-1</li>
                <ul class="submenu">
                    <li class="firstmenu" id="first">submenu-1</li>

    Here I am giving padding to the left of the submenu the li

    first item with the following code:

       .submenu li:first-child{padding-left: 173px;}

    But for Menu2 first li

    , I want a different padding. For this I used my ID:

    #first{padding-left:500px !important;} 

    So, basically, I have overridden the previous one on the left !important


    Now I want to make it responsive, so for that I use:

        @media only screen
        and (min-width : 768px)
        and (max-width : 894px) {
            #first{padding-left:150px !important;}

    But since I have already given !important

    before @media all

    , it is not considering @media only screen and (min-width : 768px) and (max-width : 894px)


    So basically I want to use different padding for 768 to 894 screen resolutions.

    Is there a way to do this?


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    2 answers


    Animation !important

    has the highest priority in the CSS priority scheme . This case is a good example of why using! Importantly discouraging .

    The solution is to eliminate the need !important

    . This can be achieved in many ways as shown below:

    .submenu li.firstmenu{
        padding-left: 173px;
    .submenu li.firstmenu#first{
    @media only screen
    and (min-width : 768px)
    and (max-width : 894px) {
        .submenu li.firstmenu#first{


    The above selectors are essentially the same as yours, but use a class firstmenu

    as shown in the HTML layout, not a pseudo selector :first-child

    . .submenu li.firstmenu

    state select an element li

    whose class is "firstmenu" and is a descendant of any element whose class is a "submenu" and .submenu li:first-child

    specifies select li

    , the first child of its parent and a descendant of any element whose class is a "submenu".

    The id

    target element is used to refine the padding as requested . submenu li.firstmenu#first

    states select an li element with id equal to "myid", whose class is "firstmenu" and which is a descendant of any element whose class is "submenu". The same result can be accomplished for this HTML layout using only the id ( #firstmenu

    ) selector as seen in other answers.



    In your case, you don't really need !important

    to, because IDs have a higher level of precedence than the classe / element selector (unless there are dozens of classes or hundreds of elements in a single selector). Delete !important

    and you still get what you want.

    .submenu li:first-child {
      padding-left: 100px;
    #first {
      padding-left: 200px;

        <ul class="submenu">
          <li class="firstmenu">submenu-1</li>
        <ul class="submenu">
          <li class="firstmenu" id="first">submenu-1</li>

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    Read more in the W3C spec for selector specificity , there is a very intuitive table comparing different selectors.



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