How to compile mono for x86 android

I've tried many different ways. I have finished compiling with the NDK and when I run it on the emulator using the adp shell, I get no output.

mono-3.10.0 from a tarball

Here are my environment variables:

export CC=i686-linux-android-gcc
export SYSROOT=/home/XXUSERNAMEXX/Develop/android-ndk-r10d/platform/android-17/arch-x86
export PATH=/tmp/my-android-toolchain/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin


Here's my setup:

 ./configure --disable-mcs-build --host=i686-linux-android --prefix=/home/XXUSERNAMEXX/vmshare/workspace/HelloJni/jni/mono-2.0 --target=i686-linux-android --build=i686-linux-gnu


then just do then make install

Then create a sample C #: //HelloAndroid.cs // Output HelloAndroid.exe system usage;

namespace HelloAndroid
    class MainClass
        public static void Main (string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine ("Hello World!");


then i copy mono-sgen HelloAndroid.exe to android directory



change all permissions to 755 change all owners to system: system

then enter

./mono-sgen HelloAndroid.exe

in adp shell

then I just get nothing. no errors, no output, only command returns


source to share

1 answer

You need to compile .NET Assemblies (System.dll ...) as you would for a normal host and place them in Android.

Also, define MONO_PATH

for mono runtimes.



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