How do I find an Azure Storage Blob by suffix name without listing the entire container?

Having a lot of blobs inside Azure virtual directories:



I need a quick way to find all blobs that end with a specific suffix (for example, "file1"). As far as prefixes go, there is a way to only get blobs that start with some name:

blobContainer.ListBlobs(prefix: "prefixHere")


The following approach to extract blobs with a specific suffix leads to the selection of a full container and filtering it on the client.

var blobsFound =
    .ListBlobs(useFlatBlobListing: true)
    .Where(b => b.Name.EndsWith("file1"))


With the help of Fiddler, it was possible to clearly record traffic:

fiddler output

Is there a way to find all blobs using an Azure side suffix without having to select the full blob list for the client?


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1 answer

Is there a way to find all blobs using an Azure-side suffix, without getting a full list of clicks to the client?

Unfortunately no. Blob only supports blob prefix filtering, not suffix filtering. Your only option is to enumerate the blob and then do client side filtering.



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