Qt widgets mixed with QML on top

I would like to use two widgets (one at a time) as the base / background of my application, with a QML UI on top of it and a borderless window. It should look like this:


  1. OpenGL Scanning Component
  2. A 3D rendering component that works through a window handle
  3. Multiple QML UI components as overlays (possibly draggable)
  4. QML sidebar component

I have successfully achieved including component 1 in the QGLWidget and displaying the QML components on top of it. Worked without problems.

However, I am having trouble getting component 2 to work. I can do this easily if I include it in a top level QWidget and use it winId

to access the handle. Unfortunately, I cannot base myself on this. I've looked at several options, but none of them fit:

  • If I go along the QWidget path, the component is on top and the QML components cannot overlap.
  • I tried to get it to work with QGraphicsProxyWidget, but it just displays an empty gray widget.
  • I read that the new (er) way is to use a QWidget based app and use QtQuick2 for overlays. But then again, it seems that this only works for OpenGL based components.
  • It might also be possible to use QQuickWidget and QOpenGLWidget available in Qt 5.3 and 5.4, but I have no idea how or how this works as I have not seen examples that fit my purpose.
  • There might also be an option QWidget::createWindowContainer

    , but it does not allow (transparent) overlays.

My problem is that I don't know how to overlay a non-GL widget with QML and then how to include everything in one application (possible parental problems setViewport

when switching between two widgets). Has anyone ever done this or can point out a direction that might show results?

I am using Qt 5.2.1, VS2012 and x64 assembly (requirement), targeting Windows desktop.

Of course, it would be nice to have an efficient solution, perhaps based on QtQuick2, but I am so confused that I would accept anything that would at least make it work for the moment.


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1 answer

In the end, I went using QWindow, take its window handle for 3D rendering integration, and then overlay it on QQuickView components (with QWindow as parent). The only drawback of this solution is the lack of transparency.



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