Drawing line with thickness turns white, OpenCv iOS issue

I am developing an iOS application using the OpenCV framework, the problem occurs when I try to draw something in my output frame.

In the following image I am trying to draw a line and a circle

    cv::circle(outputFrame, startingPoint, 50, cv::Scalar(250,0,250), -1);
    cv::line(outputFrame, startingPoint, endpoint, cv::Scalar(0,250,0),4);


The problem occurs when I increase the line thickness, the line itself turns white with a green outline "green = cv :: Scalar (0,250,0)"

Any help is appreciated

The image representing the problem


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1 answer

Check here

The reason you end up with a white outline with a green color is simply to behave like a single outline with a circle and a line. It is not segmented.



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