Find the maximum z-index used on a site

I am working on widgets to be used on other sites.

Is it possible to find the maximum z-index for elements that are used in other sites using javascript?

Or how should I set my widget on top of all other elements using Z-index or other means.

Found that the maximum z-index value is 2147483647. Is it possible to override the maximum value?


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1 answer

Browser             Max z-index value  When exceeded, value changes to:
Internet Explorer 6 2147483647  2147483647
Internet Explorer 7 2147483647  2147483647
Internet Explorer 8 2147483647  2147483647
Firefox 2           2147483647  element disappears
Firefox 3           2147483647  0
Safari 3            16777271    16777271
Safari 4            2147483647  2147483647
Chrome 29           2147483647  2147483647
Opera 9             2147483647  2147483647




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