IE10 Extjs 4.1.0 insertSibling not working correctly

I have the following piece of code:

        var messageWrapper = {
            tag: 'div'

        var messageEl = cmp.errorEl.insertSibling(messageWrapper, "after");
        cmp.messageEl = messageEl;

        Ext.Array.each(me.displayProperties, function (property) {
            var propertyConfig = {
                tag: 'div',
                style: {
                    display: 'none'
            var newElement = messageEl.insertSibling(propertyConfig, "after");

            var changeListener = me.buildChangeListener(newElement,;
            cmp.addListener('change', changeListener);


which worked fine under ExtJs 4.0.7 and still works fine under chrome.

The problem is that cmp.errorEl.insertSibling (messageWrapper, "after") returns null in IE, I could add an extra true parameter - then I would get a dom object, but I wouldn't be able to use extjs functions.

Do you have any ideas how I can fix this?

The fiddle is available at:


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1 answer

There is a bug in Ext.dom.Helper (ietable method) ExtJS 4.1.0. Apply this override to fix it:

(function() {

// kill repeat to save bytes
var detachedDiv = document.createElement('div');

    Ext.define('Ext.override.dom.Helper', {
        override: 'Ext.dom.AbstractHelper',

        ieTable: function(depth, openingTags, htmlContent, closingTags){
            detachedDiv.innerHTML = [openingTags, htmlContent, closingTags].join('');

            var i = -1,
                el = detachedDiv,
            while (++i < depth) {
                el = el.firstChild;
            // If the result is multiple siblings, then encapsulate them into one fragment.
            ns = el.nextSibling;

            if (ns) {
                el = document.createDocumentFragment();
                while (ns) {
                    ns = ns.nextSibling;
            return el;

    }, function() {
        Ext.DomHelper = Ext.core.DomHelper = new this;






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