Mysql WHERE query query is in json array

I set up a query where it picks a few things.

$stm = $db->query('SELECT startUser, forUser, percentage, time, taskTitle, taskDesc, color FROM admin_task WHERE forUser = "'.$queryanswer.'")');


But for the user it is like this in the database:

["demo","   user"]


How to check if forUser (json array above) has a demo? can i even check it out?


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2 answers

I think you can only achieve this in Mysql 5.7.

In version 5.7, you can do something like:

SELECT JSON_EXTRACT(json_field, '$.name');


and it will only fetch the name key from the json object.

Search for all elements tagged with "JavaScript":

SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE JSON_CONTAINS(json_field, '["JavaScript"]');


Find all elements with tags starting with 'Java':

SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE JSON_SEARCH(json_field, 'one', 'Java%') IS NOT NULL;


use "one" to find the first match or "all" to find all matches

You can extract the Twitter nickname using the JSON path:

SELECT name, json_field->"$.twitter" AS `twitter` FROM `user`;


You can also reference the JSON path in the WHERE clause to only return users with a Twitter account:

SELECT name, profile->"$.twitter" AS `twitter` FROM `user` WHERE profile->"$.twitter" IS NOT NULL;


You can do more things like:

  • Generating JSON Values

  • Normalizing, merging, and auto-updating JSON values

  • Finding and changing JSON values

  • Comparing and ordering JSON values

  • Aggregating JSON Values

for more information see:



If it is indeed a JSON field, in 5.7 you can do this:

FROM admin_task
WHERE JSON_CONTAINS(forUser->'$[*]', JSON_ARRAY("somestring"))




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