An efficient way to iterate over subscriptions of a huge list in python

So I need to find an efficient way to iterate over a large list in python.

Specified: array of integers and number (length of subscriptions)

Limitations: array up to 100 thousand elements, elements in the range (1.2 ** 31)

Task: for each sub-list word, find the difference between the number max and min. Print out the biggest difference.

Ex: [4,6,3,4,8,1,9], number = 3
As far as I understand I have to go through every sublist:

[4,6,3]  max - min = 6 - 3 = 3
[6,3,4]  3
[3,4,8]  5
[4,8,1]  7
[8,1,9]  8

final max = 8


So my solution is:

import time

def difference(arr, number): 
    maxDiff = 0
    i = 0
    while i+number != len(arr)+1:
        diff = max(arr[i:i+number]) - min(arr[i:i+number])

        if diff > maxDiff:
            maxDiff = diff

        i += 1

    print maxDiff

length = 2**31
arr = random.sample(xrange(length),100000)   #array wasn't given. My sample
t0 = time.clock()
print 'It took :',time.clock() - t0



It took : 5.174262


I also did the same for loops which give the worst timing:

def difference(arr,d):
    maxDiff = 0
    if len(arr) == 0:
        maxDiff = 0
    elif len(arr) == 1:
        maxDiff = arr[0]
        i = 0
        while i + d != len(arr)+1:

            array = []
            for j in xrange(d):
                array.append(arr[i + j])

            diff = max(array) - min(array)

            if diff > maxDiff:
                maxDiff = diff

            i += 1
    print maxDiff

length = 2**31
arr = random.sample(xrange(length),100000)      #array wasn't given. My sample
t0 = time.clock()
print 'It took :',time.clock() - t0



It took : 14.104639


My challenge was to cut the time down to 2 seconds.

What would be the most efficient way to do this?

Based on @rchang and @gknicker's answer and comments I was able to achieve an improvement. I am wondering if there is something else I can do?

def difference(arr,d):
    window = arr[:d]
    arrayLength = len(arr)
    maxArrayDiff = max(arr) - min(arr)

    maxDiff = 0

    while d < arrayLength:

        localMax = max(window)
        if localMax > maxDiff:
            diff = localMax - min(window)

            if diff == maxArrayDiff:
                return diff
            elif diff > maxDiff:
                maxDiff = diff


        d += 1

    return maxDiff

#arr = [3,4,6,15,7,2,14,8,1,6,1,2,3,10,1]
length = 2**31
arr = random.sample(xrange(length),100000)
t0 = time.clock()
print difference(arr,1000)
print 'It took :',time.clock() - t0



It took : 2.54171


Not bad. Any other suggestions?


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3 answers

Here is my attempt at solving this.

I experimented and measured quite a bit and came to the following conclusions:

  • subset_length

    has a significant impact on performance.
  • numpy

    min / max is much faster than built-in functions, but only for large arrays, below, say 50, there are more assemblies.
  • This leads to the fact that for subset_length
    • below 10 your latest version is the fastest
    • between 10 and 50 the non-numpy version of my algorithm (not posted (yet)) is faster
    • above 50 my algorithm is the fastest
    • at 1000 this algorithm outperforms yours by 100 times.

remember that there array

should be numpy.array()

, but subset_length

should be 3 or more.

def difference_np(array, subset_length):
    assert subset_length > 2, "subset_length must be larger than 2"
    length = array.size
    total_diff = array.max()-array.min()

    current_min = array[:subset_length].min()
    current_max = array[:subset_length].max()
    max_diff = current_max - current_min
    max_diff_index = 0
    index = subset_length
    while index < length:
        i_new = index
        i_old = index-number
        index += 1     
        new = array[i_new]            
        old = array[i_old]

        # the idea here is to avoid calculating the
        #   min/max over the entire subset as much as possible,
        #   so we treat every edge case separately.
        if new < current_min:
            current_min = new
            if old == current_max:
                current_max = array[i_old+1:i_new-1].max()
        elif new > current_max:
            current_max = new
            if old == current_min:
                current_min = array[i_old+1:i_new-1].min()
        elif old == current_min:
            current_min = array[i_old+1:i_new].min()
        elif old == current_max:
            current_max = array[i_old+1:i_new].max()

        current_diff = current_max-current_min
        if current_diff > max_diff:
            max_diff = current_diff
            max_diff_index = i_old

        # shortcut-condition
        if max_diff == total_diff:
            print('shortcut at', (index-1)/(length-subset_length), '%' )

    return max_diff, max_diff_index


I'm not sure if the label condition is effective as it rarely applies and costs two full iterations of the input array.


Another margin for improvement exists if the algorithm is used list.pop(0)

. Since it is list

optimized for right-hand side operations, it list.pop(0)

is relatively expensive. Since collections.deque

there is an alternative that provides a fast left-hand side pop: deque.popleft()

. This brings very little improvement in overall speed.

Here's the version of my algorithm not numpy



def difference_deque(array, subset_length):
    assert subset_length > 1, "subset_length must be larger than 1"
    length = len(array)
    total_diff = max(array)-min(array)

    current_slice = collections.deque(array[:subset_length])
    current_min = min(current_slice)
    current_max = max(current_slice)
    max_diff = current_max - current_min
    max_diff_index = 0

    index = subset_length
    while index < length:
        i_new = index
        i_old = index-number
        index += 1     
        new = array[i_new]            
        old = current_slice.popleft()

        if new < current_min:
            current_min = new
            if old == current_max:
                current_max = max(current_slice)
        elif new > current_max:
            current_max = new
            if old == current_min:
                current_min = min(current_slice)
        elif old == current_min:
            current_min = min(current_slice)
        elif old == current_max:
            current_max = max(current_slice)

        current_diff = current_max-current_min
        if current_diff > max_diff:
            max_diff = current_diff
            max_diff_index = i_old+1

        # shortcut-condition
        if max_diff == total_diff:
            print('shortcut at', (index-1)/(length-number), '%' )

    return max_diff, max_diff_index


It cuts down the ranking slightly at runtime: - Best 10 algorithms (with deque) - up to 100 my algorithm (with deque) is best - over 100 my algorithm (with numpy) is better



I came up with this optimization that might save your first execution. Instead of using slices to highlight the numbers to count for each iteration, I once used a slice to initialize a "window". At each iteration, the "right-most" item is added to the window, and the "left-most" item is returned.

import time
import random

def difference(arr, number):
  thisSlice = arr[:number-1]
  arrSize = len(arr)
  maxDiff = -1000

  while number < arrSize:

    # Put the new element onto the window tail

    thisDiff = max(thisSlice) - min(thisSlice)
    if thisDiff > maxDiff: maxDiff = thisDiff
    number += 1

    # Get rid of the "leftmost" element, we won't need it for next iteration

  print maxDiff

if __name__ == '__main__':
    length = 2**31
    arr = random.sample(xrange(length),100000)
    t0 = time.clock()
    difference(arr, 1000)
    print 'It took :', time.clock() - t0


At least on my laptop it doesn't go below 2 seconds, but I've seen some improvement over the first implementation you posted. On average, your first solution ran 4.2 to 4.3 seconds on my laptop. This version of the staging window averaged 3.5 to 3.6 seconds.

Hope it helps.



I think you can use one of the various numpy

rolling functions with as_strided

magic - let's say the one I just stole from here :

def rolling_window(a, window):
    shape = a.shape[:-1] + (a.shape[-1] - window + 1, window)
    strides = a.strides + (a.strides[-1],)
    return np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(a, shape=shape, strides=strides)


Using the original difference

, but with return

instead of print

, a arr

is a numpy array:

>>> w = 3
>>> %timeit old_d = difference(arr, w)
1 loops, best of 3: 718 ms per loop
>>> %timeit q = rolling_window(arr, w); ma=q.max(1);mi=q.min(1); new_d=(ma-mi).max()
100 loops, best of 3: 5.68 ms per loop



>>> w = 1000
>>> %timeit old_d = difference(arr, w)
1 loops, best of 3: 25.1 s per loop
>>> %timeit q = rolling_window(arr, w); ma=q.max(1);mi=q.min(1); new_d=(ma-mi).max()
1 loops, best of 3: 326 ms per loop




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