Getting incorrect results when joining to different tables

Its a bit more complicated, so I'll go a little slow, just not going into the problem.

I have a database schema where employees are registered, these employees are assigned jobs from a project perspective.

1 employee can work on many jobs, eg the employee John

is on project


the task 123

again the employee is John

also on project


, but on the task789

the task 456

is assigned to someone else. but this is another problem.

so we are working on the same project for different tasks, because I have two entries in my assign_job table.

See the image in the small diagram below. enter image description here

This circuit is fine. the problem I am currently facing is that I want to have time tables. So I added two tables for the time schedule.

for which the new circuit will be below enter image description here

I added some Dummy Entries to two new tables for the two projects listed below.

  • Selection and selection
  • Education and development

for project 1, I added 31 items of funds for each day the employee worked for a while. but for project 2 the employee only worked for 1 day.

Now I ran this query which I think is not appropriate for creating joins in this situation . cuz from which I am posting this question as I am getting incorrect results for the data in the database.

TS.`date_created` AS TimeSheetMonth, 
TSD.`project_id` AS ProjectID, 
TSD.`date` AS WorkDate, 
TSD.`hours` AS WorkHours, 
TS.`employee_id` AS EmployeeID,
E.`full_name` AS EmployeeName,
MLP.`project_title` AS ProjectTitle,
TS.`id` AS TimeSheetID
FROM timesheet TS
INNER JOIN timesheet_details TSD
ON TS.`id`= TSD.`timesheet_id`
INNER JOIN employee E
ON E.`employee_id` = TS.`employee_id`
INNER JOIN assign_job AJ
ON AJ.`employee_id` = E.`employee_id` AND AJ.`trashed` = 0
INNER JOIN ml_projects MLP
ON AJ.`project_id` = MLP.`project_id`
INNER JOIN ml_projects TMLP
ON TMLP.`project_id` = TSD.`project_id`
WHERE TS.`id`=1
GROUP BY TSD.`timesheetDetails_id`, TSD.`project_id`


As you can see in the next Shot screen I am getting the project name for the project id 1, where as I am getting 2 as the project id. Maybe there are more problems. tell me what am I doing wrong in these unions?

enter image description here



SQLFIDDLELINK: Click on the title or copy below.!2/dc4585/1


============================= I want the individual records, since I want to show them inside the table, to look like below.

enter image description here

database php mysql

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3 answers


Only one foreign key is required in the table, or anywhere you want to name it - job_id

which refers to assign_job_id and the hours spent on that job. And no clues for employee_id

or project_id

because we assign_job

already have this information. I donโ€™t want to write code for you because I see that you can do it yourself.

You join your schedule for assign_job and join that employee and project - voila. Then you can group the worker or / or by project and / or task. it's all there


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Try this:

    TSD.`project_id` AS ProjectID, 
    TSD.`date` AS WorkDate, 
    TSD.`hours` AS WorkHours, 
    TS.`date_created` AS TimeSheetMonth,
    TS.`employee_id` AS EmployeeID,
    TS.`id` AS TimeSheetID,
    E.`full_name` AS EmployeeName,
    MLP.`project_title` AS ProjectTitle
    timesheet TS
    INNER JOIN timesheet_details TSD ON TS.`id`= TSD.`timesheet_id`
    INNER JOIN employee E ON E.`employee_id` = TS.`employee_id`
    INNER JOIN assign_job AJ ON AJ.`employee_id` = E.`employee_id` 
    INNER JOIN ml_projects MLP ON AJ.`project_id` = MLP.`project_id`
    -- INNER JOIN ml_projects TMLP ON TMLP.`project_id` = TSD.`project_id` -- what for?
    AND AJ.`trashed` = 0
    TSD.`timesheetDetails_id`, TSD.`project_id`



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You just need something like this:

    concat(TS.`employee_id`, " - ", E.`full_name`) as employee,
    concat(TSD.`project_id`, " - ", MLP.`project_title`) as Project,
    TS.`date_created` AS TimeSheetMonth,
    sum(1) as WorkDaysOnProjectInMonth,
    sum(TSD.`hours`) AS WorkHoursOnProjectInMonth

    timesheet TS
    INNER JOIN timesheet_details TSD ON TS.`id`= TSD.`timesheet_id`
    INNER JOIN employee E ON E.`employee_id` = TS.`employee_id`
    INNER JOIN assign_job AJ ON AJ.`employee_id` = E.`employee_id` 
    INNER JOIN ml_projects MLP ON AJ.`project_id` = MLP.`project_id`
    AND AJ.`trashed` = 0



Wow, tough question! But I think this solves your problem:

    e.full_name,,, TSD.hours

   assign_job AJ 
    INNER JOIN ml_projects MLP ON AJ.`project_id` = MLP.`project_id` -- P:1
    INNER JOIN employee E ON AJ.`employee_id` = E.`employee_id`
    INNER JOIN timesheet TS ON E.`employee_id` = TS.`employee_id`
    INNER JOIN timesheet_details TSD ON TS.`id`= TSD.`timesheet_id`

    AND AJ.`trashed` = 0



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