Make ImageMagick an external hard drive for temporary files

I want to use ImageMagick convert to add many PNGs to one huge PNG.

When I do this on a PC with a lot of free memory it works, but I need to do it on my laptop now and there is not enough space. I also tried to define -limit memory

, -limit space

etc., but there is not enough space.

How can I set the path to temporary ImageMagick files on an external hard drive?


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2 answers

The ImageMagick command line tools recognize the following environment variable:



The path for storing temporary files is set here. It is valid for all commands run during the setting of this variable.

An alternative method is to add -define registry:temporary-path=...

to a specific command, for example:

convert                                                 \
  -define registry:temporary-path=/Volumes/external/tmp \
   wizard:                                              \ 
  -resize 250000x250000                                 \


Then it is only valid for that single command. (BTW, this wizard:

is a built-in sample in ImageMagick - you can always use it as an example to test ImageMagick commands if you play with them.)

To prevent large images from consuming all the memory on your system, you can force the image pixels to a resource constrained memory mapped disk by adding -limit memory ...


convert                                                 \
  -define registry:temporary-path=/Volumes/external/tmp \
  -limit memory 16mb                                    \
   wizard:                                              \ 
  -resize 250000x250000                                 \


You can even force all image pixels to disk using -limit area 0


convert                                                 \
  -define registry:temporary-path=/Volumes/external/tmp \
  -limit area 0                                         \
   wizard:                                              \ 
  -resize 250000x250000                                 \


However, keep this in mind: caching pixels to disk is orders of magnitude slower than using RAM. The coefficient is around 1000! (The SSD is faster, of course.) Expect seconds, which otherwise takes milliseconds and hours, which usually takes minutes ...

For these cases, it is very useful to follow -monitor

the processing flow:

 convert                                                \
  -monitor                                              \
  -limit memory 1GiB                                    \
  -limit map 2GiB                                       \
  -define registry:temporary-path=/Volumes/external/tmp \
   wizard:                                              \ 
  -resize 250000x250000                                 \


The add-ons -monitor ...

will display a dynamically changing progress bar on your terminal saying something like

 resize image[WIZARD]: 24999 of 43750, 57% complete


Setting -limit

can be applied to area

, disk

, file

, map

, memory

, thread

or time

. file

sets the number of files area

, memory

and map

sets the number of bytes (SI prefixes are allowed), time

- in seconds.

You can request an ImageMagick installation for the current (or default) settings by running

  identify -list resource


I get:

 File       Area     Memory        Map       Disk   Thread  Throttle       Time
  192    4.295GB       2GiB       4GiB  unlimited        1         0  unlimited


There are -limit

also corresponding environment variables for command line parameters . It:



They limit resources for used image area, disk space, open files, heap memory, memory card, number of threads of execution, and maximum elapsed time in seconds.



Set the environment variable MAGICK_TEMPORARY_PATH to E: \

Link here .

On Linux / OSX, you do

export MAGICK_TEMPORARY_PATH=/volumes/somewherebig


I'm sure you can imagine the Windows equivalent, probably like this





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