Nested Func <T, object> in a generic extension method

I have an interface defined like this:

public interface IEntityUnitOfWork : IEntityModelUnitOfWork, IDisposable
    IQueryable<T> IncludeProperties<T>(IQueryable<T> theQueryable, params Func<T, object>[] toInclude)
        where T : class, new();


... which allows me to write code like this:

var foo = MyUnitOfWork.IncludeProperties(


With some mojo to implement, this works pretty smoothly. But this seems inconvenient. I think I should have written this clean, so I can use a format like this:

var foo = MyUnitOfWork.Fetch(


So, I wrote an extension method like this:

public static IQueryable<T> Fetch<T>(
    this IEntityUnitOfWork unitOfWork,
    Func<IEntityUnitOfWork, IQueryable<T>> queryable,
    params Func<T, object>[] toInclude) where T:class, new()
    var q = queryable.Target as IQueryable<T>;
    foreach (var p in toInclude)
        q = unitOfWork.IncludeProperties(q, new[] { p });
    return q ;


This builds and Intellisense works as I expected, but of course when he actually tries to use it he fails with NullReferenceException

. queryable.Target

which I assumed would be IQueryable<T>

, which I was trying to link to does not seem to be what I assumed, and I do not see any obvious other choice from my Intellisense / Quickwatch options.

How do I set the value q

as a property IQueryable<T>

from mine IEntityUnitOfWork

that I want to reference in the following statements?


source to share

1 answer

OK, after more intervention, it looks like I don't need the property of the Target

function, but the method Invoke()


var q = queryable.Invoke(unitOfWork);


after some optimization, i did it like this:

public static IQueryable<T> Fetch<T>(
    this IEntityUnitOfWork unitOfWork,
    Func<IEntityUnitOfWork, IQueryable<T>> queryable,
    params Func<T, object>[] toInclude) where T : class, new()
    var q = queryable.Invoke(unitOfWork);
    return unitOfWork.IncludeProperties(q, toInclude);


... and it works exactly the way you want it to.



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