Clojure list? and macros

I am trying to understand how clojure macros apply to lists. The following confuses me:

(defmacro islist [f] (list? f))
(islist (1 2)) ; true
(islist '(1 2)) ; false
(islist (quote (1 2))) ; true


Is this expected? I noticed that the lists I pass macros to return false when evaluated using list?

inside a macro. That is, the second example is particularly confusing.


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1 answer

There '(1 2)

is a type inside the macro clojure.lang.Cons

(you can check this by changing list?

to type

). list?

returns true if the operand is of type clojure.lang.IPersistentList


user=> (isa? clojure.lang.Cons clojure.lang.IPersistentList)


The reason clojure.lang.Cons

is because the reader constructs the cons cell when expanding '(1 2)

to (quote (1 2))

, whereas it does not when you pronounce it quote

directly as (quote (1 2))


You might want to use seq?

instead list?




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