LISP Binary Trees - Maximum Depth

Using this way of representing trees: (A (B) (C (D) (E))) (which from what I've seen, I think this is the standard way, but I could be wrong).

 / \
 B  C
   / \
   D  E 


I want to find the maximum depth and build a list with nodes from the root to that level. In the example above, the answer would be 2 (the root is at level 0) with one of the following two lists: (ACD) or (ACE).

The maxdepth algorithm should be simple:

maxdepth( tree ):
    if ( !tree )    return 0
    leftdepth   = maxdepth( left sub-tree )
    rightdepth  = maxdepth( right sub-tree )
    return max ( leftdepth + 1, rightdepth + 1 ) 


So, I tried something like this:

(defun maxdepth(l)
        ((null l) 0)
        ((atom l) 0)
        ((+ 1 (max (maxdepth(car l)) (maxdepth(cdr l)))))


The CAR tree should give me the left subtree, and the CDR tree should give me the correct one. If I get to the end or the atom (that's wrong), I stop. I check if maxdepth (car l) is greater than maxdepth (cdr l) and move on with more. But this gives me 8 for the above tree. And I haven't started building the list yet.

How far from a good idea and good implementation am I?


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2 answers

I figured out that your requirement is that you want to return two values: depth and one (arbitrary) path from root to full depth. This is a good opportunity to show how you can use multiple value semantics.

At the root, the skeleton looks like this (assuming a binary tree):

(defun max-depth (tree)
  (if (null (rest tree))
      (values 0 tree)
      (with-sub-depths (left-depth left-path right-depth right-path tree)
        (if (> right-depth left-depth)
            (values (1+ right-depth) (cons (car tree) right-path))
            (values (1+ left-depth) (cons (car tree) left-path))))))



now is the placeholder for the actual recursion.

Assuming we get this max-depth

will return the desired two values. If we just call it and use its return value, we get the first (primary) value:

(let ((d (max-depth tree)))
  (format t "Depth is ~a." d))


If we need additional values, we can use multiple-value-bind


(multiple-value-bind (depth path) (max-depth tree)
  (format t "Depth is ~a.  Example path: ~s." depth path))


Now we need to use multiple-value-bind

in recursion:

(defun max-depth (tree)
  (if (null (rest tree))
      (values 0 tree)
      (multiple-value-bind (left-depth left-path) (max-depth (second tree))
        (multiple-value-bind (right-depth right-path) (max-depth (third tree))
          (if (> right-depth left-depth)
              (values (1+ right-depth) (cons (first tree) right-path))
              (values (1+ left-depth) (cons (first tree) left-path)))))))


Trying it at the REPL displays all return values:

CL-USER> (max-depth '(A (B) (C (D) (E))))
(A C D)




In the view you are using, the (car l)

current node (cadr l)

is the left subtree and (caddr l)

is the right subtree. So your recursive step should be:

(+ 1 (max (maxdepth (cadr l)) (maxdepth (caddr l)))


You are also missing the clause t

in your default sentence cond

. So the full version should be:

(defun maxdepth (l)
  (cond ((null l) 0)
        ((atom l) 0)
        (t (+ 1 (max (maxdepth (cadr l)) (maxdepth (caddr l)))))))

(maxdepth '(A (B) (C (D) (E))))


returns 3



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