Clojure vector-dependent behavior

Clojure assoc

applied to vector seems to have inconsistent behavior

When the index is present in the vector, replace the value

(assoc [1 2 3 4 5] 3 42) => [1 2 3 42 5]


When the index is close to the last, the vector grows ( conj


(assoc [1 2 3 4 5] 5 42) => [1 2 3 4 5 42])


Otherwise IndexOutOfBoundsExcpetion


although this is useful in some cases, for example reduce assoc

it can lead to subtle bugs in the program

Is there expected behavior or perhaps a bug in the associated for the vector?


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1 answer

Expected. See Docstring for assoc

, especially the last note on argument index


This is described at the top of the page. 101 Clojure programs.



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