How do I add the Boost library to my C ++ program in XCode 6.0?

I am using XCode

6.0 and need a library boost

for the program. I downloaded boost_1_57_0.tar.gz

from and split it. Now I just need to somehow insert it into my program so that

#include "boost/filesystem.hpp"
using boost::filesystem;


works. I have looked at the instructions that is for XCode 5

, and I cannot find an equivalent "Build Phases" panel in XCode 6.

Priority to anyone who can help me.


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1 answer

  • here is a screenshot demonstrating how I do it:

then include headers like this:

#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>


enter image description here

To go to Build Settings, make sure your Project View is open on the left, and then click on the actual target (highlighted in this figure).

enter image description here

If you don't even see it, because you have to click that dumb, almost invisible button here (third from the right - looks like a vertical line inside the box):

enter image description here



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