Steam web api: how to get tags for items in Steam inventory

I am currently trying to use the website api to get the tag items in the Steam inventory.

An example of what I am looking for is shown below:

enter image description here

I've looked at the steam web api but I haven't found any methods returning tags in the steam inventory item.

Does anyone know how to grab this? Is it possible?

Any help would be appreciated.


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1 answer

If these are the tags you need: check your console when switching game inventories. There will be a link to the ajax link.

For example for TF2:

Replace "YOUR_STEAM_ID" with some steamid64 user. If you need other game inventory: change "440" to (570 - dota2, 620 - portal2, 730 - csgo, 753 - steam inventory). Also, with a supply of steam, you must change the next number (1 - gifts, 6 - cards, there are also 3 and 7 numbers for other items)

Request this link like other api methods. It will return json that you should decode / parse.

Then look at the "rgDescriptions" array. There will be tags.



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