How can I convert or wrap thrown exceptions to checked exceptions in Java?

Can Unchecked Exceptions be converted to Checked Exceptions in Java? If so, please suggest ways to convert or move the thrown exception into a checked exception.


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2 answers

Yes. You can catch an unchecked exception and throw the thrown exception.


  public void setID (String id)
    throws SomeException
    if (id==null)
      throw new SomeException();

    try {
      setID (Integer.valueOf (id));
    catch (NumberFormatException intEx) { // catch unchecked exception
      throw new SomeException(id, intEx); // throw checked exception


Then, in the constructor of the checked exception, you call initCause

with the passed exception:

  public SomeException (String id, Throwable reason)
  { = id;
    initCause (reason);




You can wrap a checked exception with a checked exception

try {
    // do something
} catch (RuntimeException re) {
    throw new CheckedException("Some message", re);




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