Where can I see nodejs logs after deploying to Google App Engine?

I have deployed nodejs app in google app engine following this tutorial https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/appengine-nodejs-quickstart and it was successful and now I want to check nodejs logs like in development from terminal console. Vms is operated by google, but even if I ssh for them, I don't know where to look for the logs.


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3 answers

You can read the standard output of a docker container that is being executed by your application by executing docker logs <container id>

in a virtual machine instance. You can get the container id from docker ps


No need for SSH on the instance. You can simply get the logs from the Developer Console under Monitoring > Logs




The default logging is really awful. None of my posts console.log

are showing! There are several ways to fix this.

1) Writing logs to a log file.

For example, / var / log / app_engine / custom_logs / applogs.log


"Applications for Cloud Protocols and Managed Virtual Machines Applications Using App Engine Managed Virtual Machines should write their own log files to the VM log directory at / var / log / app_engine / custom_logs. These files are automatically collected and available in the Logs Viewer. Custom log files must have a .log or .log.json suffix. If the suffix is ​​-.log.json, the logs must be in JSON format with one JSON object per line. If the suffix is ​​.log, the log entries are treated as plain text. "

2) Use winston with winston-gae .

Create a transport that will send logs for appengine.

3) Use the gcloud-logging module

Too wordy for my liking, but this is another option.



As @tamberg pointed out in a comment, the easiest option I have found for viewing logs generated by Google App Engine instances with Node.js is to simply use the log viewer at:


Detailed instructions from https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/standard/nodejs/building-app/viewing-service-logs :

  1. Open the log viewer in the GCP console: https://console.cloud.google.com/logs/viewer?resource=gae_app
  2. In the first filter drop-down at the top of the page, make sure GAE is selected and select Default Service.
  3. Use the second drop-down filter list to select only standard output and click OK. This limits the viewer to logs sent to standard output.
  4. Use the text box above the dropdowns to find the name you used when submitting the form. You should see logs that match your ideas.


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