Can't launch app to play on os x lion

I created an alias like alias play=/Users/bobdylan/Documents/play/play

After creating a new app and launching it with, play run

I keep getting this:

Debugger failed to attach: handshake failed - received >GET / HTTP/1.1< - excepted >JDWP-Handshake<
Debugger failed to attach: handshake failed - received >GET / HTTP/1.1< - excepted >JDWP-Handshake<


Any idea what could be wrong?


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2 answers

This should not prevent your application from running, only a debugger may be available. It should also show a stacktrace exception that can help us point out the problem (if it shows up in your case, please attach it).

To fix the problem, can you check:

  • The ports you are using for Play (you may have another server blocking these ports)
  • The hostname of your computer (you might have a localhost pointer pointing somewhere in your host file or some configuration that causes playback to fail)


JPDA_PORT is set in script play mode so you can either edit the play script in install or export it before starting play

export JPDA_PORT=8888

In play mode script change

if test "$1" = "debug"; then




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