Discussion in CSV file
I have a CSV file with three columns as shown below and I want to count the "AT" and "AT + LH" value for each type and date, and then put it in a separate column in another CSV file.
Input CSV file:
║ Date ║ Type ║ Value ║
║ Nov-2 ║ M2222 ║ AT ║
║ Nov-2 ║ M2222 ║ LH ║
║ Nov-3 ║ M2222 ║ LH ║
║ Nov-3 ║ M2223 ║ LH ║
║ Nov-3 ║ M2223 ║ AT ║
I need the output like this:
Output CSV file:
║ Date ║ Type ║ Total (Total = AT + LH) ║ Value of AT ║
║ Nov-2 ║ M2222 ║ 2 ║ 1 ║
║ Nov-3 ║ M2222 ║ 1 ║ 0 ║
║ Nov-3 ║ M2223 ║ 2 ║ 1 ║
I've tried using dictionaries for this and couldn't get the desired result. But as a result I end up with Date and Type columns in one column.
from collections import Counter
import csv
from collections import defaultdict
from collections import OrderedDict
import collections
import pandas as pd
with open(r'file1','wb') as crack,open(r'file2','wb') as crack1:
w = csv.writer(crack,delimiter=',', quoting = csv.QUOTE_ALL)
w1 = csv.writer(crack1,delimiter=',', quoting = csv.QUOTE_ALL)
for row in zip(['DATE & BASIC TYPE'],['Total Triggerred']):
for row in zip(['DATE & BASIC TYPE'],['No of LOH']):
with open(r'inputfile, 'rb') as infile:
reader = csv.reader(infile)
next(reader, None)
for row in reader:
for key, value in dict1.iteritems():
for row in zip([key], [sum(dict1[key])]):
#print key, sum(dict1[key])
with open(r'inputfile', 'rb') as infile:
reader = csv.reader(infile)
next(reader, None)
for row in reader:
if row[2]=='AUTO RELEASE':
for key, value in dict2.iteritems():
for row in zip([key], [sum(dict2[key])]):
#print key, sum(dict2[key])
a = pd.read_csv(r'file1.csv')
b = pd.read_csv(r'file2.csv')
merged = a.merge(b, on='DATE & BASIC TYPE')
merged.to_csv(r'outputfile.csv', index=False)
I am getting Output like this:
║ Date & Type ║ Total ║ Value of AT ║
║ ('Nov-2','M2222') ║ 2 ║ 1 ║
║ ('Nov-3','M2222') ║ 1 ║ 0 ║
║ ('Nov-3','M2223') ║ 2 ║ 1 ║
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I think this might help you:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('input_csv.csv', sep=';')
print df.groupby(['Date','Type'])['Type','Value'].count()
Here's some additional code that Albe originally provided in the comments.
import pandas as pd
#read csv file using data frame
df = pd.read_csv('input_csv.csv', sep=',')
#count how many "AT" values in a data frame
df['Value AT'] = (df['Value'] == 'AT').astype(int)
#sum "AT" and "LH" of a data frame
df['TOT'] = (df['Value'] == 'AT').astype(int) + (df['Value'] == 'LH').astype(int)
#grouping by data and type
print df.groupby(['Date', 'Type'])['TOT', 'Value AT'].sum()
... At the end, you can add this piece of code to create the output csv file:
#print df_grouped
df_grouped.to_csv(r'outputfile.csv', index=True)
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I think you are exaggerating the task. In such a situation, it is much easier to use T-SQL. For example, you can use MySQL, create a table for a CSV file, load data into it using this approach: Syntax LOAD DATA INFILE . Then select the aggregated data you need using a query like this:
FROM table as t1
WHERE t1.Date = t.Date and t1.Type = t.Type and t1.Value IN ('AT', 'LH')
) as `Total (Total = AT + LH)`,
FROM table as t2
WHERE t2.Date = t.Date and t2.Type = t.Type and t2.Value IN ('AT')
) as `Value of AT`
FROM table as t
GROUP BY t.Data, t.Type;
And load the data back to CSV: SELECT ... INTO Syntax
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