'Where' clause doesn't work when left join returns null

When left join

it fails, vlu.status=1

nothing is returned due to the request . I want the result even if the left join fails.

If I remove vlu.status=1

then it returns the correct result, but I have to use vlu.status=1

when the left join fails.

select vb.first_name,vb.last_name,DATE_FORMAT(vb.created_date,'%m-%d-%Y') as Created_On,
     concat(la.first_name,' ',la.last_name) as Loan_Agent, vl.loan_number, 
     count(vs.id) as Num_Deliveries from vid_borrowers vb 

         inner join vid_loans vl on vl.borrower_id= vb.id 
         left join vid_delivery_schedules vs on vs.borrower_id = vb.id
         left join vid_loan_agents la on la.id=vl.loan_officer_id 
         left join vid_users vlu on vlu.id=la.user_id 

     where vb.bank_id=6
       AND STR_TO_DATE(vb.created_date, '%Y-%m-%d') between  '2014-12-01' and '2014-12-16'
     and  vlu.status=1
     group by vb.first_name, vb.last_name, la.first_name, la.last_name, vl.loan_number



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3 answers

Place the condition inside the join and remove it from the WHERE clause; this creates a NULL string if the condition is not met before WHERE is involved.

 left join vid_users vlu on vlu.id=la.user_id and vlu.status = 1
 where vb.bank_id=6
   AND STR_TO_DATE(vb.created_date, '%Y-%m-%d') between  '2014-12-01' and '2014-12-16'
 group by vb.first_name, vb.last_name, la.first_name, la.last_name, vl.loan_number


You can let WHERE take care of this by checking for NULL values, but IMHO it is better to execute the filter as soon as possible.



The problem is that the use of a filter LEFT JOIN

, and WHERE

is that the condition under which the failure LEFT JOIN

returns NULL to vlu.status

which is then filtered in WHERE

(since the criteria vlu.status = 1

). You need to change either:

AND (vlu.status = 1 OR vlu.status IS NULL) -- NULL for the Left Join


OR move the vlu.status filter to the LEFT JOIN criteria

LEFT JOIN vid_users vlu on vlu.id=la.user_id AND vlu.status = 1


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